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Our Solution

Learn how CONNECT is different from other digital engagement platforms


CONNECT is a life enrichment app with expert-designed programs that engage participants, whether they live in long-term care, attend an adult day center, receive home health services, or are being cared for at home by a family member.

1. Builds Relationships 
2. Evidence-Based

When used in a group setting, CONNECT promotes meaningful social connections between participants using activities that are fun and age appropriate. When used in a one-on-one setting, CONNECT helps to strengthen relationships between older adults and staff or family members. 

NIH-funded research demonstrates that people with mild memory issues can successfully serve as group leaders for CONNECT activities. This provides social roles to participants and provides much needed assistance to Life Enrichment staff. CONNECT is great when led by a staff member but incredible when led by a participant.

3. Social Roles

CONNECT bolsters focus and participation by providing each participant with their own tablet. Even people with late-stage dementia are able to actively participate in some of the activities.

5. Increased Focus

The activities included in the CONNECT app have been developed and tested in numerous NIH-funded clinical trials over the past 10 years. Research has demonstrated that the activities have a measurable impact on quality of life, engagement, and responsive behaviors.

Digital engagement platforms often require staff to go through extensive training to learn their many functions. Since CONNECT focuses exclusively on providing high-quality activities, the app is incredibly easy to use, even for those who are uncomfortable with technology.

4. Very Easy to Use

CONNECT has over 400 activities related to a wide variety of topics, with more activities being released every month—that’s a fresh new activity for every day of the year!

6. Extensive Activity Library

Seeing Is Believing

See what a CONNECT activity session is like when it is led by a person with dementia!


CONNECT includes nine unique activity types with different levels of complexity to suit any group or individual. Take a moment to learn about three of the most popular activities! To learn about more CONNECT activities, schedule a demo now!

An All-Inclusive Hardware / Software Package

When you invest in CONNECT, you get everything you need to create a more enriching experience for your community. Our package includes tablets, tablet stands, cases, and accessories. Each package also includes proprietary two-button devices (one for each participant) that allow participants to easily use their tablet. Each package comes with a lockable charging cabinet and/or a utility cart for easy storage. We offer customized packages to ensure the right fit for your community. We provide complimentary live virtual orientation training for your staff. Our friendly staff offers ongoing technical support to answer questions.  

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